The first federal trial of a sitting US Senator in over 20 years has started this week. If you follow this blog, you probably already know the score: Stevens must win this trial to have a serious shot at keeping his seat in November. If he loses, or the trial is in an ambiguous position come November 4th, the only way he could conceivably survive is if he is somehow able to brilliantly advance the witch-hunt frame I discussed Monday. However, the odds are heavily stacked against that (albeit potent) narrative singlehandedly saving him from the likely electoral ruin a conviction would bring.
The only somewhat-new story here is the impressive prominence of the witness list, which includes everyone from Sen. Ted Kennedy to retired Gen. Colin Powell. No word on who will actually show up and who will pull a Todd Palin/Karl Rove maneuver.
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago
what's a todd palin maneouvre?
Absolutely love the blatant violation of the law from Rove and Palin. What the hell. And why haven't the involved governments MADE them come?! Jeebus.
I've got my fingers crossed for a high-profile conviction ASAP. That should probably seal the deal for Begich.
did you hear that palin is avoiding endorsing stevens? do a blog about that
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